Camp Fire slow roast lamb

We spent a amazing few days camping at Lagoon Bay on the Bangor Property in Dunalley. How lucky are we in Tassie to be able to catch our own seafood and to give our children this experience. Proper recreational licenses are required of course but anyone can do it. But the best meal of the camping trip was this slow roast lamb it was amazing! It is worth going camping just to cook this!!

Camp fire slow roast lamb

1 large leg of lamb

2 onions

1 bulb garlic
2 bay leaf
tablespoon oregano
tablespoon thyme
tablespoon rosemary
salt and pepper
sweet potato

½ onion

2 cloves garlic
1/8 th cabbage
2 cups peas

stock (or water)
Tablespoon chutney


Heat your camp oven on the side of the fire.

Leave a half an onion and 2 cloves of garlic for your veggies later and roughly cut up the rest and lay in the camp oven. Put your lamb leg on top you can poke a bit of the garlic into any where you can. Sprinkle the herbs over the top and add a good sprinkle if salt and pepper
put the lid on and leave cooking slowly for about 6 hours ( I put it on at about 11 because I think it will only benefit from being rested if it cooks quicker than expected. Put the whole carrots and sweet potatoes in for the last 2 hours of cooking.


To cook the cabbage and peas sauté the crushed garlic and sliced onion add the cabbage and sauté until tender toss through the peas to heat


To make the gravy: remove the cooked carrots and sweet potato and set aside over a medium heat add the flour and cook for a few minutes ( I just left the lamb in the middle of the camp oven slightly elevated on the onion and garlic) add the stock and chutney season with salt and pepper and stir well.



camp fire jaffals, not my cooking strong point!!bangor7bangor8bangor9bangor10

Jayne found musselsbangor11


only on one of the days the beach and water was covered with the most amazing variety of jellyfish, I’ve never seen anything like it all together like that! there would have been over 200 along the beach and they were quite scaring looking when in the water. But all gone the next day?!000101_1157000101_1158000101_1169000101_1173000101_1191000101_1195000101_1199000101_1201000101_1203

quite sure we know where tupperware got its jelly mould design from!!000101_1205