Old School Kitchen Kids Cooking Class Monday 20th march Mango Chicken

Last night at our Old School Kitchen Kids cooking class we made Mango Chicken, rice and green fritters made with coriander, spring onion, silverbeet and zucchini. It was a fun evening unfortunately no photos of the cooking action this week we were too busy. Some weeks the kids cook there own meal, others weeks we split up the tasks and cook the meal together and then divide it up at the end. Last night we split up the jobs. Chopping the onions and garlic for the base for the curry , measuring the spices and dry roasting them. We boned whole chickens and chatted about making stocks. Washed the rice to cook . Made and fried the fritters. The dinner was absolutely delicious my entire family loves, this recipe is in Packed cookbook. My steph was a bit choosy with her food when she was young and one time when took her to a Indian restaurant I encouraged her to try aMango Chicken rather than just eating the pile of Nann Bread she would often do and she loved it so I had to Make a good recipe for it I could make at home!! While I do try to use Tasssie food no one can resist the occasional tropical mango , we used frozen last night.

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