Minestrone soup

minestrone soup

Serves 8

1 litre beef stock ( Make your own https://eloiseemmett.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/stocks/)
2 onions
2 cloves garlic
3 medium carrots
2 stalks celery
tablespoon basil
teaspoon oregano
2 rashers bacon
400 grams tomato
400 grams cooked kidney or cannellini beans
200 grams small pasta
salt and cracked pepper

Heat a large pot on the stove with a dash of olive oil, add the peeled and finely diced onion, crushed garlic and finely diced bacon, celery and carrots and sauté for about 3 minutes or until soft. Add the herbs tomato and stock and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the pasta until cooked (add any other vegies you might like to here, peas, green beans, corn) and add the cooked beans and season with salt and pepper.

Serve topped with a little parmesan with some garlic pizza bread

Like this recipe? Find more in my first cookbook The Real Food for Kids Cookbook. When you cook this please let me know how you go with it and share it with your friends!

French onion soup

Making your own stock makes the best tasting soups and sauces. I find using the slowcooker the simplest way to make small batches of stock at home. There is more information for making stock in the slow cooker from a old post here: https://eloiseemmett.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/stocks/

1 kilo beef bones
3 sprigs Thyme
2 bay leaf
2 cups stock vegies or trimmings from carrots, leek, celery, onion and tomatoes
2 cloves garlic

1 kilo brown onions
teaspoon butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar

Trim the fat from the bones and bake them in the oven to brown in a baking tray for 20 minutes. Put them in the slow cooker with the thyme, bay leaf, onion ends, pinch of salt and pepper, vegetables or trimmings and 2 litres of water cook on high for 8 hours. Strain and refrigerate the stock so the fat settles on top, discard the fat.

Slice the onions and fry in hot pot for 5 minutes, making sure they get some colour, add the sugar and cook for a few minutes until the sugar caramelizes add the stock and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes, season with salt and pepper and serve.

french onion soup


Like this recipe? Find more in my first cookbook The Real Food for Kids Cookbook. When you cook this please let me know how you go with it and share it with your friends!